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SEO TOOLS – Search Engine Optimisation Tools

1. SEMrush :
It is the Best SEO tool in the Market. Subscription based tool and you get free 10 searches per day. But its premium version is very expensive. Since it gives you 10 free searches per day you can try using it. At the same time it is the best tool to rank your website. Lets talks about the features of SEMrush.
It gives related keywords related to you focus keywords. You can track your competitor website automatically for the same keyword. Also you can find your competitor keywords he is ranking for. It also tells you the keywords to rank for your keyword intent.

2. KWFinder
This site makes a bold claim that “KWFinder is the only keyword research tool in the universe you will ever need. Seriously.” That’s the first line you’ll see on their homepage. I don’t know how they can be certain that aliens don’t have better some sort of crazy good keyword research tool in some far away galaxy, but I’ll take their word for it. The tool is fairly simple. However, you will have to sign up for a free Mangools account before you can do anything. All The features are just Like Semrush.

3. Surfer SEO
SurferSEO! With a ton of content writing tools out there to choose from, is Surfer SEO even worth considering? If you are anything like me, you may be wondering. Surfer SEO analyzes the on-page data of your competitors and then automatically molds to your niche.

4. SimilarWeb
You don’t have to scrape the web to find the numbers – the data is technically already there. Except, extracting it all manually is going to be a nightmare. Plus, trying to figure out how your site performs on search engines manually is damn near impossible, since the search engines themselves cater to the individual user. You need a third-party tool, even if you just want to figure out your ranking.
Beyond that, you also need to dig into your competitors’ basic information because first impressions can be deceiving. You might have a long list of competitors that you look up to and you might even want to take inspiration from their designs and business practices.

5. SE Ranking
SE Ranking is a business that develops all kinds of SEO tools and software that aims to help you optimize and promote your website on the internet. It doesn’t matter what your level of expertise is- with SE Ranking, you can do things very easily and without wasting a lot of time.

6. Ahrefs
Let’s talk about complete SEO coverage. You could do shit manually. I know that. However, why the fuck would you skimp out when there are so many tools out there that can automate the whole job for you? SEO optimization is a complicated job that becomes exponentially harder every single day you run your site. Content builds up, link numbers increase and eventually, things spiral out of control. So, by all means, do shit manually if you think you can handle it. But, I guarantee that you’re going to have a fucking nightmare on your hands if you do. Go with Ahrefs instead.

7. Moz
The name may not jump out at you, but make no mistake about it: is a powerful search engine optimization (SEO) tool that will have you competing with other brands in your niche before you know it. If you are willing to do the legwork and optimize your site properly, Moz takes the guesswork out of how you are supposed to do that. Even if you have never heard of SEO before and have no idea what it means for your sites.